Customer service from Twitter

The services of the companies adapt at full speed to social networks and it is not uncommon to see offers and promotions in fanpages or Twitter profiles.

The Customer Support It is another of the services that has best adapted to the social media sphere in recent times. Specific the social network Twitter It is the one that allows the most advantages due to its immediacy and direct dealings with users.

On Traced We always set a formula for the conceptualization of the strategy of a customer service Twitter.

Twitter and customer support

Some characteristics you should think about before launching a tweet customer service are:

1.- Hours.

The time you are going to attend your Twitter It is very important, you should always think about whether it is the one where users will need it the most. For example, it makes little sense for an airline to limit its attention to daily days since most flights occur on weekends.

2.- Dedication time.

Before starting customer service from Twitter, we must determine what the dedication time will be. From Trazada we always advise that, as long as possible, Twitter is attended to in a constant . Dedicating to Community Manager To other tasks, it can cause certain inquiries that arrive to take a long time to be answered, which can produce a complaint from the user and consequently damage the image of the brand.

3.- Company language.

The customer service channel is the voice of the company, so we must not forget it. The person must be trained with the values that the company intends to transmit so that they can adapt them in their language, always respecting rules of courtesy and politeness with the user.

4.- Protocols.

It is highly recommended to establish protocols in advance to know how to act in certain situations. How we would act if we have a crisis situation or we would handle a criticism.

5.- Other forms of contact.

It is always necessary to contemplate other forms of contact to be able to continue managing the client’s query. As far as possible, we should try to resolve all queries through Twitter, but sometimes it will be recommended redirect the conversation to another channel like the phone or email.

6.- Follow-up.

Once our strategy is launched, we cannot sleep in the laurales. We will have to follow up the queries to know which ones are our strengths and weaknesses and, based on that, act.


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